Meet Our PTO!
PTO Purpose Statement
The purposes of the John Ross PTO are:
To promote better relationship between faculty and parents for a better understanding of children and intelligent cooperation for the benefit of the child;
To promote voluntary assistance to the faculty and school;
To become knowledgeable concerning local school policies of education in order to promote high standards of school and home life advantageous to all children enrolled;
To become knowledgeable of educatioal developments on city, state, and national levels;
To promote adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth; and
To develop between John Ross and the public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in education.
Our PTO Board
Candace Chao, Secretary
Jacqueline Hughes, Vice-President
Kristi Evans, President
Erin Balderas, Treasurer
You can contact us at johnrosspto@gmail.com

If you would like to donate to the John Ross PTO, scan the code here.